Open Science Poster der Bibliothèque de l’Université de Lille

Open Science Poster der Bibliothèque de l'Université de LilleAuf der Open Science Conference in Berlin (19./20. März 2019) haben Romain Féret und Marie Cros von der Bibliothèque de l’Université de Lille diese Woche ein Poster veröffentlicht, das zeigt, wie das Open-Science-Angebot einer Universiätsbibliothek aussehen kann und welche Unterstützungsangebote wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken den Forschenden vor Ort machen können:


This poster presents a new service implemented by the University Library of Lille to support researchers to take into account all dimensions of open science since the submission of their projects. Collaborating with other university services, we insist on integrating open science as a part of the project management activities by transforming obligations into objectives, deliverables and budget. Doing so, we make sure open science objectives and resources are well balanced. It is an opportunity for researchers to improve their project proposals and it is often appreciated by project reviewers. As a librarian, it is the best way to be considered as a partner and to create a strong relation with the project coordinator.

Die vollständige Posterbeschreibung und den Download des von Cécile Verbeke gestalteten Posters finden Sie hier:
Féret, Romain, & Cros, Marie. (2019). Including open science to research projects since their submission: a library perspective. Zenodo. (CC BY 4.0)

[via Paloma Marín-Arraiza auf Twitter: @pmarrai]

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