Konferenz zu Mesoamerikanischen Manuskripten an der Bodleian

Mobile laboratory for instrumental analysis (MOLAB), Foto: Bodleian

Die Bodleian, die Bibliothek der Universität von Oxford, oraganisiert eine Internationale Konferenz zu Mesoamerikanischen Manuskripten, deren Titel auch schon das Programm umreisst: «Mesoamerican manuscripts: new scientific approaches and interpretations»:

This conference brings together an outstanding panel of scholars and experts in Mesoamerican studies. They will be sharing their knowledge and recent findings on the making and historical significance of the Bodleian’s and other early, pictorial Mesoamerican manuscripts, situating them in the context of the pre-Columbian and colonial societies that produced them, describing the world they depict, and reflecting upon their meaning in contemporary Mexico and beyond.

Die Konferenz findet an der Bodleian vom 31. Mai bis zum 2. Jun1 2016 statt (Registration fee: £60, Conference programme [PDF, 92KB]). Alle Infos auf der Website der Bodleian Library.

Ausschnitt 'Codex Mendoza MS. Arch. Selden A. 1', Foto: Bodleian

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